Sunday, October 16, 2016

Meet Gino | Class of 2017

For your ears:

For your mind:

Eugene "Gino" Franklin Stickley Jr.
was born on May 11th, 1999 
in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
He is the son of Gene and Liz Stickley
and they have two dogs, Loki and Baci.
Gino will be graduating from 
Turner Ashby High School in June 2017.
He plans to attend college and really experience life
while following his dreams
through acting and the study of history. 
Throughout high school, Gino was a member of
the TAHS One Act Team and Forensics Team.
He was also an active actor at
Turner Ashby High School and ShenanArts in Staunton.
Some of his favorite hobbies are
reading, writing, being nerdy with his best buds,
and being fabulous in public.
Gino's most memorable moments of high school
have been sparked in his final year at TAHS.
    He will miss his teachers and
the environment of friendships that he has created.

Gino would like to thank
David Bowie,
Matt Grandpre,
his friends
and his family.

"I am Italian. I am the creator of Jibua.
I am kissed by lady luck
and I waltz with the mistress of death."

"No great mind has ever existed
without a touch of madness."
- Aristotle

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